1. How to Set Up the File

Step 1

To begin, sketch out your concept.

The sketch below is the concept I had in mind: two card designs, one for girls and the other for boys. There will be a cutout along the arms to slip the money through.

Sketch your concept, scan it, and save as JPG, to upload it onto Adobe Illustrator.

If you are short on time, you can always head over to GraphicRiver to find a selection of illustrated graphics to use.

fitr Eid card sketch concept

Step 2

Open Adobe Illustrator CC. Let’s set up a New Document (File > New or Command-N).

For this project, use the following settings:

Select Print. 

Preset Details: Eid_Money_Cards

  • Number of Artboards: 1
  • Width: 10 cm
  • Height: 15 cm
  • Units: Centimeters

And click Create.

adobe illustrator create new document

Step 3

Place one side of the sketch onto the Artboard.

Place (Command-Shift-P) and drag the image bounding box to take its place on the artboard. Open the Layers panel: Window > Layers.

Open the sub-menu of the Layers panel:

  1. NameSketch
  2. Select Lock
  3. Dim Images to: 20%
  4. OK

Create New Layer, on top of the ‘Sketch’, and name it ‘Outline’File > Save (Command-S).

illustrator layers lock sketch dim images


2. How to Create the Borders & Artwork Outlines

Step 1

We begin by laying out our card’s border.

Select the Pen Tool (P), with a Fill of null and black Stroke of 1 pt, and draw half the border.

  1. Then, with the object selected, select the Reflect Tool (O), which is located under the Rotate Tool in the Tools panel.
  2. Click on the center edge of the object to set one point of the axis. Hold down OptionAlt and click to set.
 pen too reflect panel axis point

Step 2

Next we need to join the borders to create one compound shape, and create a border outline.

Select both borders with the Direct Selection Tool (V). Open the Pathfinder panel: Window > Pathfinder. Select Unite to create a compound shape.

window pathfinder panel create compound shape

After creating our compound shape, with the border selected, we need to create the inner and outer border lining.

First, to create the outer border:

From the Main MenuObject > Path > Offset Path:

  • Set Offset at 0.2cm
  • Joins: Miter
  • Check Preview, to view
  • OK.
Object Path Offset border

Second, create the inner border:

Select the original border, with the Selection Tool (V).

Main MenuObject > Path > Offset Path. To offset inwards, use the minus sign (-), set the Offset to -0.35 cm, and click OK.

Path Offset border illustrator


Step 3

Let’s continue by drawing the other symmetrical elements within our design, like the head features and body.

Use the Pen Tool (P), with a black Stroke of 1 pt, and freehand draw half the head, Taqiyah (Islamic Prayer Head Wear), the eye outline, eyebrow, ear and body shape.

Pen tool draw elements

Then select the Ellipse Tool (L) and draw in the pupils and cheeks, as well as the neck area.

Ellipse Tool Pen tool draw

Step 4

Let’s mirror the illustrated parts.

  1. Select the head, Taqiyah Cap, eye, eyebrow, cheeks, ear and body shapes.
  2. Select the Reflect Tool (O), from the Tools panel.
  3. Set the light blue, Reflect axis point, on the edge, as shown.
  4. Hold down Option-Alt, and click to reflect the objects.
select objects reflect shapes mirror axis point

Then we need to select each shape and its respective reflection and Unite them, using the Unite option from the Pathfinder panel to create a single compound shape.

pathfinder panel unite object compound join

Last, select the body shape with the inner border lining and Minus Front, from the Pathfinder panel, so it lines up along the edges.

minus front pathfinder panel compound subtract

Step 5

Next we need to add in the textbut by drawing it.

Instead of working with Arabic fonts and getting lost in letters and rigid-looking font styles, I prefer to draw in the text, for a more personal feel.

Select the Blob Brush Tool (Shift-B) from the Tools panel. The Blob Brush is similar to a thick pen. Select a black Stroke, no Fill. Set the blob size you want to draw the text with, and draw in the text.

  • A shortcut to manage Blob Brush Tool size: Click the left square bracket key ([) to shrink the brush size and the right square bracket (]) to enlarge.
  • Select a smaller blob brush, to add in the Arabic pronunciation marks.
  • You can use the Eraser Tool (Shift-E) to erase any mistakes with the blob shapes, if needed.
blob brush tool draw arabic font

Step 6

Now that the initial basics are laid out, we need to duplicate the artboard for the girl money-card, since they both share similar borders and features.

Select the boy’s Taqiyah Cap, and Lock it using the Command-2 shortcut, so it’s not duplicated with the Artboard.

From the Main MenuFile > Document Setup.

The Document Setup dialog box will open.

Select Edit Artboards.

Hold down the ShiftAlt keys and drag our Artboard onto the girl card sketch, to duplicate it.

duplicate artboard elements vector illustration

Step 7

The girl is wearing a dress, so we need to adjust her outline and widen the bottom part to form a dress.

Select the Direct Selection Tool (A), select each anchor point separately, hold the Shift key down to constrain movement to a 90° angle, and drag along, as so.

Direct selection tool anchor point

Step 8

Let’s fill in the remaining details, using some basic tools.

First use the Pen Tool (P), with a Fill to null and black Stroke of 1 pt, and trace in the main line work, as so:

Pen tool adobe illustrator trace illustration

Step 9

Lock (Command-2) everything except the ears, head hair, and borders.

adobe illustrator lock elements

What we will do is duplicate our elements to create a color fill layer.

In the Layers panel sub-menu, select Duplicate ‘Outlines’.

Layers panel duplicate options outline layer

This will create the layer ‘Outline Copy’ over the ‘Outlines’ layer.

  1. Position the ‘Outline Copy’ under the ‘Outlines’ layer, for us to create our fills under the line work.
  2. Rename ‘Outline Copy’ to ‘Fill’.
  3. Lock the ‘Outlines’ layer.
  4. File > Save (Command-S), to save your Illustrator file.
vector tutorial duplicate layers file color

Step 10

In the ‘Fill’ layer, let’s give a color fill to the unlocked shapes.

You may need to Arrange objects, as you color along. Use the following shortcuts:

  • Arrange > Bring to Front (Command-Shift-])
  • Arrange > Bring Forward (Command-])
  • Arrange > Send Backward (Command-[)
  • Arrange > Send to Back (Command-Shift-[)
color backgrounds fills arrange elements

Unlock All (Command-Option-2) the rest of our elements. Give each one a color Fill of your choice.

unlock elements color fills strokes

Step 11

Next, with the Selection Tool (V), select the lines that have no fills and Delete, since they will not need a fill.

Selection Objects tutorial eid money card illustrator

Lock the ‘Fill’ layer, and Unlock ‘Outlines’ layer.

Unlock All (Command-Option-2) elements within the Outlines’ layer.

Delete all elements whose outlines we don’t need, like the ears, cheeks, hair, patterns, etc. I left a few, as shown below.

dlete linework artwork  fill eid mubarak money cards

Step 12

Open the Stroke panel (Window > Stroke), and alter the stroke width of the remaining black strokes to create variance in the artwork.

stroke panel variation color linework eid

Next we need to combine the head outline with the body.

Select both the head and body shape of the boy with the Selection Tool (V)and from the Pathfinder panel, Minus Front to subtract from the shape area.

Selection tool Pathfinder panel minus front subtract

Repeat the same steps, with the girl’s head and body shapes.

Then select the Scissors Tool (C) to cut the away the top anchor points that meet with the boy’s cap and head as well as the girl’s hair and head.

 Scissor tool cut anchor point Pathfinder panel minus front

3. How to Add Detail & Flair to the Illustration

Step 1

Let’s start by coloring in our black strokes.

color strokes ramadan eid fitr

Unlock the ‘Fill’ layer, and color in all the shapes and arrange the artwork elements so they look harmonious together.

color strokes arrange shapes eid mubarak

Step 2

Let’s create the moon crescent for our background.

Make sure you are on the ‘Fill’ layer. Select the Ellipse Tool (L), with a black Stroke, and Fill null. Draw two ellipses, overlapping each other.

ellipse create crecent moon background

Next, select both ellipses, and from the Pathfinder panel, Minus Front to subtract from the shape area, and you’ve got yourself a moon!

Give it a yellowish color Fill and place it somewhere on the background setting.

Create another crescent for the girl’s background.

color fill moon crescent minus front pathfinder

Step 3

Let’s add stars!

Select the Star Tool under the Rectangle Tool menu, and select a yellowish fill.

  • Drag until the star is the desired size.
  • You can drag the pointer to rotate the star.
  • A cool trick is to press the Up Arrow and Down Arrow to add and decrease points of the star!

Draw stars on both card backgrounds.

star tool draw stars yellow

Step 4

Next, we need to create small starlight points.

Select the Blob Brush Tool (Shift-B), from the Tools panel.

Chose light and dark blue stroke colors, for the boy’s background, and draw in blob points of various sizes.

  • Remember the shortcut to manage the size of the Blob Brush: Click the left square bracket key ([) to shrink the brush size and the right square bracket (]) to enlarge.

Repeat the process with the girl’s card background, but use white and dark green strokes.

blob brush tool strokes color starlight

Step 5

For the final touches, we need to add lighter tones of highlights to some of the elements to give it some pizzazz.

Continue to use the Blob Brush Tool (Shift-B), using a light blue stroke color, and draw in the boy’s thobe (dress) neck tieand place some highlights on his thobe, a pattern on his hat, and highlights on his face.

Blob Brush Tool add detail

Step 6

Again, use the Blob Brush Tool (Shift-B), and draw in light tone highlights on the girl’s hair and a pattern on the dress. You can even throw in some lip color.

Blob Brush Tool Shift-B highlights

Step 7

Finally, from the Layers panel, trash the ‘Sketch’ layer. File > Save (Command-S) the file.

Print it out on nice semi-glossy thick paper, cut the borders and cut along the outer lining of the arms, and slide the Eid gift money through, and you are done!

Hand out the holiday treats to all the little ones for the Eid holiday.

You can even make them more personalized by writing their names on each card!

Eid Mubarak! Our Colorful Eid Money-Card Illustrations Are Finished!